Congratulations to the 4 NQCP-affiliated students
The first NQCP-affiliated students have completed their bachelor's degrees.

A warm congratulations to the 4 NQCP-affiliated students who recently completed their bachelor's degrees.
Julius Rye Bønnelykke wrote a project with the title “Error correction on NISQ-devices”
Frederikke Therese Møller Nielsen’s thesis is “Measuring the length of the total spin of coupled spin s=1/2 particles”
Nanna Schwarz Jørgensen wrote a thesis titled “Optimization of nanofabrication and structural characterization: Towards data driven research.”
August Lademark Heegaard’s project is “Optimizing Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging Protocols Through Engineering Principles.”
Both Nanna and August did their projects as part of the Materials Synthesis and Fabrication Innovation group, while Julius and Frederikke were supervised by Kim Splittorff.
We salute all four of them for their hard work this semester and wish them a relaxing summer.