NQCP - Life in Quantum - CEO Benjamin Bloom, Atom Computing
Neutral Atoms: A promising path forward for Utility Scale Quantum Computers
A drastic resurgence of interest in Neutral Atom Quantum Computing has ushered in a new era of fascinating demonstrations of key enabling technologies for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing.
Over the last six years huge advancements of all of the constituent pieces of a neutral atom quantum computer have pushed the field beyond initial demonstrations into a more engineering focused question of how big and how performant a system can be built. Here I will give an overview of recent demonstrations enabled by Atom Computing’s systems built around alkaline-earth(-like) elements including: long coherence times, high-fidelity-scalable-low-loss readout, individually driven 1Q gates, 2Q gates at high fidelity, mid-circuit measurement, and large array refilling. I will cap this off showcasing some of our initial results showcasing complicated circuits running on a full stack neutral atom quantum computer.