NEW DATE NQCP Life in Quantum - Ass. Professor Laura Mancinska, UCPH QMATH

Quantum Information with Interacting Parties

In this talk I will explain the goals of my ERC project "Quantum Information Processing with Interacting Parties". The central challenge for the theory (software) side of quantum computing is to identify tasks and propose protocols for problems where quantum technologies hold an advantage. My project focuses on information processing with interacting parties rather than a single computer. In this context, the phenomenon responsible for most of the advantages is quantum entanglement. My first objective is to develop new tools for analyzing entanglement-assisted distributed protocols that would allow for efficient identification of problems with quantum advantage. My second goal is to realize quantum advantages in the many-party setting by developing new more efficient algorithms for symmetric problems with quantum input.

After the talk there will be exciting discussions, networking, and refreshments in Fb7.