NQCP Life in Quantum - Quantum Research Scientist Jacob Hastrup, University of Copenhagen
Introduction to bosonic quantum codes
Bosonic quantum error correction (QEC) aims to reduce the impact of physical noise sources by redundantly encoding each logical qubit into the larger Hilbert space of a single bosonic mode. Within recent years several types of bosonic QEC have been implemented experimentally with multiple experiments demonstrating an increased logical lifetime of encoded qubits compared to unencoded qubits in the same physical system. This has fueled and increased interest in the field across multiple experimental platforms including microwave cQED, trapped ions and photonics.
In this talk I will give an introduction to the subject of bosonic quantum error correction. I will go through the experimentally dominating single-mode encodings, namely the cat code, cat qubit, binomial code and GKP code. For each code I will present the relevant concepts, physical platforms, and briefly discuss the current experimental state-of-play.