Education & Outreach

The team

The NQCP Education and Outreach team is headed by Associate Professor Kim Splittorff who is fully committed to the NQCP programme. Kim is a highly experienced educational leader with leadership experience as Deputy head of the Niels Bohr Institute. He has been central in creating the new Quantum Information Science MSc programme which starts at UCPH and DTU in the summer of 2023. Kim has received several honours for his teaching and holds an additional grant from KU for research integration and is a central part of the Erasmus+ ‘Quantum Teach’ program and an additional NNF project.

Asbjørn Drachmann, Scientific Technician at the NQCP, spends 20% of his time in the Education and Outreach team. Asbjørn is an expert on low-temperature quantum experiments, and his expertise is vital for building up new experimental teaching experiences. Asbjørn has been awarded the best teaching assistant at the Niels Bohr Institute 2019.

Key Partners

The Education and Outreach team collaborates closely with the researchers at the NQCP and the Niels Bohr Institute in order to anchor the educational activities firmly in the research. In addition, we work in close collaboration with the Danish talent organisations Astra*, Science Talents and the Academy for Talented Youths. We also collaborate with IBM Quantum Denmark, enabling us to inspire and train the coming generations directly on real quantum hardware.


Kim Splittorff

Head of Education & Outreach



Asbjørn Cennet Cliff Drachmann

Scientific Technician



Victoria Inselmann

PhD Student



Vasiliki Angelopoulou




Marcus Gut

Student Assistant
